What should your content marketing strategy look like?

In this blog we’re going to get stuck into brand planning and why it is crucial to the success of your business. If you are a start-up or about to go through a rebrand, it’s especially important.
Brand Planning – Why it is crucial to the success of your business

In this blog we’re going to get stuck into brand planning and why it is crucial to the success of your business. If you are a start-up or about to go through a rebrand, it’s especially important.
The benefits of switching your emails over to G Suite

G Suite, formerly known as Google Apps, is a collection of cloud-based business-grade services including email, cloud storage and collaboration. G Suite offers a wealth of tools and services for a relatively low cost and is a perfect solution for any business looking to streamline their online collaboration and email service into one package. We think it’s worth making the switch to G Suite. Here’s why.
Brand Identity: Why branding is more than just a logo

Most people think branding is just a logo but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Here’s why your brand identity is so much more.
What you need to know when preparing for a website build

Websites are an ever changing and challenging product. It is vital to address 3 important areas before you start looking for a quote for a website.
Online phishing: How to protect yourself and your customers

The term “Phishing” – not to be confused with “fishing” – is a type of online scam. It’s designed to obtain sensitive and personal information through the disguise of a trustworthy entity such as a person, email or website.
From your screen to your hand – Meeting your expectations in print

For business, the importance of online printing should not be underestimated. The quality of printed marketing materials & correspondence reflects on business.
Master the blog: 5 tips for writing great website blog posts

If blogging isn’t currently part of your marketing strategy it should be. Without blog posts, you’re missing out on an astounding 67% more leads per month and an opportunity to keep stoking that all important SEO fire.
The psychological effects of colour in design

When you think about your brand identity, what do you think about? For many people they think no further than a logo. However, your logo—while important—is only one small piece of your overall business branding puzzle.
How to communicate effectively with your designer

If you’ve ever been unhappy with your designer or the cost of your job, this may be because you’ve started off with poor communication.
Optimising your website for the shortening attention span

Our human attention span is getting shorter and shorter. That’s a fact. There are many reasons why but it’s often attributed to the rise in use of mobile technology. With so much readily at our fingertips, we have grown accustomed to things being quick and easy for us when it comes to online web browsing.
Is it better to rebuild or revise a website?

Whether it is better to rebuild a website from scratch or revise and update an existing site is tricky to determine. Each website is different so it needs to be assessed case-by-case.
Recipe for disaster: 5 reasons brands fail (and how to avoid it)

FACT: 96% of businesses fail within the first 10 years. Here’s how to avoid unsuccessful branding that doesn’t end up in the statistical majority
The quick and dirty guide to building a great website

Your website can be the first point of contact for a customer. A great website should be easy to navigate with clear messaging and excellent hierarchy.
Design working files: what are you entitled to?

Though a seemingly simple request, asking your designer for their design working files is anything but. Here’s everything you need to know.
Why blogs are important for your business

Blogging, when done correctly, is an integral part of your business strategy. Here are four reasons why blogs are important for your business.
What is organic SEO & why is it important?

While great website design is vital for success, it’s only one-half of the equation. Good website content is equally important for great organic SEO.
Trusting your designer: 5 reasons why it will benefit your business

What happens when you and your designer have different ideas around what’s best for your brand? Get the low down on trusting your designer.
5 questions to help identify your website customer demographics

Do you pay attention to your customer demographics via your website’s traffic? If not, you could be missing out on extremely valuable free marketing information. This information can be used to increase your sales and convert your visitors into customers. Regardless of what your business does within the marketplace, understanding your customers forms a big […]
Getting the most out of a graphic designer – Maximising Your Graphic Design Budget

When hiring a graphic designer, have a clear vision of what you are asking them to do and give them a reasonable amount of time to complete the task.
Property Branding: 5 reasons to brand your property development

Not branding your development? You’re already on the backfoot. Here are 5 reasons why property branding is essential in today’s real estate market.
How fast should my website load? – Website performance optimisation explained

How fast should my website load? If your website or WordPress site is running very slow, the best way to address this is through website optimization.
How to influence your customers simply by choosing different colours.

Influence customers by colours. Choosing a colour just because you like it is generally a bad idea, there needs to be intention behind everything that you do with your branding to attract the right customers to your business.
Rebranding your business – 8 questions to ask when rebranding

Rebranding your business? Ever felt like you could do with a style upgrade as you catch your reflection in the mirror? Brands are no different. Just like when winter rolls around and your once comfortable jeans are now a little too snug, your business can outgrow your branding. A successful brand: Communicates what your company […]
Brand style guide: why it’s vital your business has one

In this blog we’re going to get stuck into brand planning and why it is crucial to the success of your business. If you are a start-up or about to go through a rebrand, it’s especially important.
How to construct a website brief for your developer

Taking your time to think about exactly what you need your website to do for your business and how it needs to function for both you and your customers is a vital first step.
Branding vs marketing: 3 key differences

While strongly linked, there are subtle differences between branding and marketing. Understanding them could significantly increase the success of your business.
Four things to check for SEO when launching a new website

Launching a new website is an exciting time for any business. Here are four behind-the-scenes things to check for SEO before you launch your new website.
5 small business and startup branding strategies

When it comes to branding strategies, small businesses and startups have a unique set of challenges when compared to already established businesses.
Our favourite business rebrands of 2023

As we close the chapter on 2023, it’s a time for reflection, celebration, and gratitude. At Embark, we’ve had the privilege of experiencing a year filled with growth, creativity, and inspiring collaborations – all thanks to you, our valued clients. This year has been nothing short of extraordinary. We’ve tackled larger and more ambitious projects, […]
5 must have website pages and what their purposes are

There are specific web pages, content-wise, that are beneficial for all businesses. Let’s explore the five must have website pages that your website should include and why they’re so key to the user experience.
What makes a good logo? The definitive guide.

There are specific web pages, content-wise, that are beneficial for all businesses. Let’s explore the five must have website pages that your website should include and why they’re so key to the user experience.
5 ways to change your website for a better user experience

70% of online businesses fail due to bad useability. Clearly user experience is super important. But how can you change your website for a better user experience?
A quick guide to building brand awareness on social media

Building brand awareness on social media? It’s a tricky beast and your customers will quickly lose interest if you don’t hit the mark. Here’s a quick guide on the do’s and don’ts.
How to locate your site’s backlinks

Backlinks are links on other websites that point back to your own. They play a vital role in strengthening the credibility of your website so they’re an important element to be aware of. Chances are if you have a website on the internet, then there will be other websites that will be linking back to it.
3 reasons why investing in branding is crucial to the survival of your business

Investing in your brand from the outset can make all the difference to the success of your business—and it can actually save you thousands in the long run.
Website image optimisation: 4 reasons it’s vital

A picture may be worth a thousand words but in the online world this is only the case when website image optimisation has been taken into account.
Image optimisation for web: Here are our top 5 tips

In our last blog we talked about 4 reasons why image optimisation for web is so important. This time we’re diving straight into the how. Let’s get started!
5 tips for building an environmentally friendly brand

Does your business have an environmental policy? Research suggests that up to 71% of consumers say it’s a deal breaker for them if a brand isn’t working to reduce its environmental impact.
5 tips for builders for winning that next project tender

The building industry is highly competitive so when it comes to winning your next project tender, standing out from your competitors is incredibly important.
Establishing a personal brand: why and how to go about it

People connect with people. As the CEO or executive of your business, establishing a personal brand can help your audience to connect with your business.
Starting with your ‘why’: why it’s so important

When we think about what might attract our target audience, we tend to focus on the features and benefits of our product or service and sideline our why.
How to register your business with Google My Business

Is your business registered on Google? It’s one thing to have a website that shows up in a search and another thing entirely to use Google My Business.
Business networking: how to network at events

Unless you’re a naturally outgoing people person who doesn’t mind walking up to complete strangers and striking up a conversation, chances are you find business networking at events a real challenge. For the average person, networking events are a daunting prospect, but they can certainly be helpful for your business. When you break it down, […]
The best website designers do this to build websites

What practices do the best website designers use to build websites? We see web design horror stories all the time. People who have entrusted one of the most important aspects of their business to a developer, often paying big bucks, and they come away with an inferior result. Sometimes they realise it right away—what’s been […]
Why is responsive website design so important?

Have you ever opened a website on your mobile device to find you have to pinch and zoom in order to see anything? This is what happens when you don’t take responsive website design into account through the building process.
Is your website building trust in your brand?

Building brand trust so that potential customers feel safe is integral to creating a strong and successful business. Here’s how your website can help.
Are you making these common content marketing mistakes?

There are many businesses who expect to see immediate results after posting one blog to their website and sharing it to their social accounts. This is one of the most common content marketing mistakes you can make.
USP marketing: how to truly set yourself apart.

Does your business use its unique selling point (USP) in its marketing strategy? If so, does that USP truly set you apart? Your USP is what differentiates you from your competitors. It’s a fantastic marketing tool that allows you to home in on why consumers would choose you over anyone else. As a result, it’s […]
Essential business marketing ideas for 2020

When it comes to generating business marketing ideas, it can be easy to get stuck in a rut and churn out the same old things you’ve always done. In today’s market, however, that’s just not going to cut the mustard. It’s a consumer’s world out there and if you’re not paying attention to what they’re […]
What makes a brand stand out?

If you’ve been following us for a while, you’ll know we strongly believe that branding matters. It’s not just because we work in the industry and it’s in our best interest to say so.
How to COVID your business with remote working

There are a number of online tools to help you get by while working remotely through COVID-19. Here are our top five recommendations.
Testimonials: are you using this powerful marketing tool?

Testimonial marketing is invaluable because your consumers tend to trust other consumers more than they trust your marketing team. How are you using it?
5 communication tips for remote teams

Has COVID19 meant that you’ve transitioned to remote working recently? Check out our top five tips for effective communication in a remote environment.
Transitioning your business to eCommerce? Use this checklist

There’s never been a better time to set your business up to accommodate eCommerce. Here’s a helpful checklist to get you started.
Need inspo? Create these digital content pieces from home.

Just because your usual office routine has been upended, doesn’t mean your digital content strategy has to go out the window too. 4 min read.
How to use marketing psychology to influence buyer behaviour

If your marketing strategy is not utilising psychology principles, you’re doing your business a massive disservice. Psychology should be underpinning each aspect of your marketing campaign to ensure it is as effective as it can be.
Diversity in marketing: why it’s more important than ever

Have you noticed a trend towards greater diversity in marketing and advertising campaigns in recent years? More and more consumers are opting to support brands who value inclusivity and diversity over those who don’t.
Value propositions: how to create one that sells

Your value proposition is pivotal to your sales pitch. Essentially, it is the point in your pitch where you explain to someone why they should buy from you and convince them that you’re the best solution to meet their needs.
Why COVID-19 is a marketing opportunity not to pass up

While on the one hand it makes perfect sense for a closed business to stop marketing (after all, how you can market without a budget? More on that later…), on the other hand, if you’re advertising during a time when other people aren’t, you’re increasing your chance of exposure significantly.
Why you need to work out your customer lifetime value

Have you ever considered what a customer’s lifetime value is to your business? This important metric helps you to get a clear understanding of the total revenue your company can expect from each customer.
Digital marketing vs UX design: what’s more important?

When it comes to websites, there’s a bit of a balance when it comes to digital marketing vs UX (user-friendly) design. After all, it’s important that you tick both boxes so that your website is both easy to navigate and converts browsers into buyers. But, while both are vital, sometimes they don’t mesh well. Let’s […]
This kind of logo will be the best way to go, every time

If you look at big business, you’ll see there is one approach that dominates the marketplace. The minimalist logo.
The no.1 reason your content marketing strategy is failing

The world of online content marketing can be tricky to navigate because it doesn’t follow the rules of your usual marketing approach.
3 ways to breathe life into a dying brand

There are a number of reasons why brands fail. The question is—can you do anything to revive a dying brand? The short answer, yes. Hopefully your brand isn’t actually dying as you’re reading this. But if it is, here are three ways to breathe life back into it.
WordPress vs Shopify: which platform is better?

Let’s take a look at a few of the pros and cons of each so you can decide for yourself whether Wordpress or Shopify will be right for you.
How to use customer perceived value to increase your sales

Let’s take a look at a few of the pros and cons of each so you can decide for yourself whether Wordpress or Shopify will be right for you.
4 copywriting strategies to increase customer engagement

The 4 copywriting strategies behind increasing customer engagement is something you can easily apply to your own content once you understand how it works.
5 branding strategies to increase sales

Here are 5 branding strategies that actually work to increase sales. If your business is looking to increase sales it might be time to refresh your brand.
Words to avoid in marketing: are you making these mistakes?

Some words and phrases are no-nos in marketing circles. Are they the ones you think?
Branding works, and this is why you should care

How do you define your brand? If you’re reaching for your marketing plan or thinking about your logo right now, we should probably take a minute to talk about how branding works.
7 tips to increase the SEO ranking of your website

You don’t have to know everything about SEO to make your website more visible. Let’s start with these 7 tips to increase your website’s SEO ranking:
What is a brand strategy and do I need one?

Your brand is the emotional connection people have with your business, it’s how your business connects and communicates to your ideal target audience. The brand strategy is the plan on how to do this.
How to build a personal brand in 4 easy steps

Whether you’ve built one consciously or not, we all have a personal brand. Your online profile is now the first impression you make, personally and professionally, before you’ve even put a foot in the door.
What is the difference between a logo and branding?

Designing a logo with no branding is like building a house with no frame. You might be able to get away with it, but things are going to get shaky very soon.
7 web design principles to convert browsers to buyers

In the online world, your website is the front window into your business. It’s what will tempt a potential customer into buying, or turn them away.
Forget features & benefits: 5 ways to tell your brand story

Focusing on features and benefits is so 2012. If you want to remain competitive in today’s market, it’s necessary to tell a compelling brand story.
Up your content marketing game with these social media ideas

Take note: these social media content ideas will help you level up your game and ensure your brand stays fresh and your feed on point.
Here are 5 great blog topic ideas for any business

Blogging is a great way to connect with your audience while providing genuinely helpful information, but what blog topics should you be writing about?
5 more ways to approach brand storytelling

A few weeks back, we shared with you five ways to tell your brand story. But the thing is, there are sooooo many more ways to approach brand storytelling.
Website content: the vital ingredients for engaging copy

We’ve all visited enough websites to recognise great website content when we see it. But when you sit down to write it yourself, do you end up staring at a blank page not knowing where to start? Follow these five key ingredients to writing engaging website copy.
What’s the deal with logo prices varying so wildly?

You’ve got a new business… what’s the first thing you think to do to brand it? For most people it’s designing the logo.
What’s trending in 2021? Branding & design trends post 2021

As we wave goodbye to the longest year on record (surely the month of April counted for at least three months on its own, right?) and welcome in a brand spanking new one, let’s take an eye to the near future and explore some of the design trends for 2021.
“That’s ugly”: Why design isn’t just about aesthetics

Design is subjective. What your designer develops for you may not be to your taste. While it can be disconcerting when you don’t like something that your designer develops for you, here’s why it’s less important that you may think.
Keen to increase revenue? Try this irresistible approach

One of the best ways you can increase revenue through marketing is to present an offer which delivers a result that your customer simply cannot resist.
How to tell the difference between a good logo & a bad one

Head over to fiverr and, pretty quickly, you can get a logo designed for next to nothing. But how do you know if it will be a good logo or a bad one?
Top hacks for clickworthy EDM emails that bring in the dough

Despite the average inbox filling up with daily marketing emails—all vying for attention—EDM emails still work. And why shouldn’t they?
A digital marketing strategy for those just starting out

What digital marketing strategy is best to take? For the biggest impact, consider both the start and end of your lead generation.
Voice SEO and other strategies to help boost your revenue in 2021

What digital marketing strategy is best to take? For the biggest impact, consider both the start and end of your lead generation.
Here’s why audience segmentation is essential for small business

Audience segmentation is the process of dividing your database into subgroups so that you can deliver more customised messaging.
Which of these 12 brand archetypes are you?

One marketing approach is to identify the archetype that best reflects your brand and will therefore most effectively speak to your target market. Which one of the following are you?
What kind of online business presence does your business need to survive?

Here are some online presence basics that will help your business to thrive well into the future.
Planning out your brand strategy? Start here

Who are you, what do you offer and why? These elements of your brand are key to the planning and strategy phase of the branding process.
Brand voice: why it matters and how to get it right

Choosing a voice that appeals to your audience and reflects your company’s values will help you to stand out and establish an emotional connection between your brand and your audience.
This content marketing strategy will drive customer loyalty

There’s one topic that should definitely feature in your content marketing strategy. It will build customer loyalty and go a long way to creating raving fans. Your mission.
Brand positioning: taking the proverbial bull by the horns

Brand positioning is the active process of positioning your brand in your customers’ minds. Note the word ‘active’.
The attention economy and what it means for your business

Have you heard of the attention economy? This relatively new term is used to describe the business of a customer’s attention.
Do you need a website chatbot? 5 reasons to add one

A website chatbot is an integrated pop up chat interface that a user can interact with. You can program them to chat with your customers in a conversational manner so that, while users will know it’s clearly not a real person, they’re still interacting with your brand voice. You might think that your business is […]
Use these website design hacks to increase conversion

Website design is pretty key to sales. These days, you’ve got less than 15 seconds to hook someone in. That’s the average amount of time a user will spend on a website. If they don’t like what they see in that time, they’re going elsewhere and you’ve lost yourself a customer. Use these website design […]
5 steps to nailing your ideal target audience

Your target audience is your ideal customer. They are the type of people for whom your product is designed.