5 questions to help identify your website customer demographics

Do you pay attention to your customer demographics via your website’s traffic? If not, you could be missing out on extremely valuable free marketing information. This information can be used to increase your sales and convert your visitors into customers. Regardless of what your business does within the marketplace, understanding your customers forms a big […]

5 must have website pages and what their purposes are

There are specific web pages, content-wise, that are beneficial for all businesses. Let’s explore the five must have website pages that your website should include and why they’re so key to the user experience.

How to locate your site’s backlinks

Backlinks are links on other websites that point back to your own. They play a vital role in strengthening the credibility of your website so they’re an important element to be aware of. Chances are if you have a website on the internet, then there will be other websites that will be linking back to it.

Get an SSL Certificate – You need one in 2018

As of July 2018 Google Chrome will warn users when they try to access websites that are not secured by an SSL certificate. This means if your website currently does not have one, now is the time to get an SSL certificate!